• Posted by Matt Gavenda
December 8, 2020

The ever growing popularity and expansion of social media pretty much guarantees that to be in business, you must be online. With popular apps like Facebook, where millions of users partake, how do you get yourself recognized enough to make a difference? Follow along for 5 tips to Jumpstart Your Social Media Presence.

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  • Posted by Matt Gavenda
May 28, 2019

Since the beginning of time, we can’t get away from the fact that we are motivated by our eyes in making food choices.

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  • Posted by Matt Gavenda
October 23, 2018

Who knew that in the year 2018 that one of the hardest things to do would be to disconnect. I guess if the Jetsons…

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  • Posted by Matt Gavenda
October 2, 2018

This is such a cool story and even though I haven’t been able to get up to Detroit to see it, it’s cool that 40…

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  • Posted by Matt Gavenda
July 31, 2018

I went to write this post on paper and my initial title was “3 things a great story does…” but I got distracted…

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  • Posted by Matt Gavenda
June 19, 2018

That’s right. I bought my business (ambitdesign.com) from a friend after working with/for him for a bit and…

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  • Posted by Matt Gavenda
March 6, 2018

I’ve discussed music often on social media. I really can’t help it...

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  • Posted by Matt Gavenda
August 22, 2017

Hi there party people. I want to do a weekly Tuesday post...

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    Ambit Design
    Hartford City, IN 47348
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