One of the most important parts of relating to your client is being able to hear honestly from your client.

Actually hearing them, because although they may say you did just fine, and things are just ‘fine’, you know that’s never the whole story. The question is, are they willing to share their experience with you believing it will make a difference and result in actionable changes. People are sincerely looking to invest where they believe their input is value, and are equally wise about not spending time in what is not.

Yet the truth is, everyone has experiences that contain great value, whether they recognize it immediately or not. So let’s get them talking.


Mindful Action Items

Asking questions is the most inviting way to engage someone. Ask for feedback to learn:

What is your client experiencing as they work with you?

  • The most positive strength that stands out to them. (Create your tag line from this gem!)
  • Realize a blind-spot short-fall that you can eliminate going forward
  • What new offering you can incorporate to strengthen your overall portfolio… it’s actually showing you what direction to go in next
  • It’s not blind-siding you if you ask for it… you can brace yourself in the right mind set, ready to receive and make change.


Preparing Yourself to Get The Feedback

  • Use sincerity in expressing that this feedback is for you to improve, and not for defending yourself… so remain in receive-mode, clarifying, active listening throughout. Show you actually want to hear what’s being said. Just remember, no one actually wants to attack you, even if their words are divulging frustration or emotion at a situation.
  • Respond with an example of commitment to taking action, no matter how small.
  • We’ve all been groomed to ask for ‘follow-up feedback’ and a project’s end, but asking all the way along, creating an open atmosphere where the client can be ‘frank’ but not persecuted for it, will deepen the relationship quickly and build a sense of trust. Just remember, this is their view of the situation, not the last word on your grade as a professional agency.
  • Take the perspective that you are there to serve their needs and you won’t be tempted to embrace any negative judgement that may come your way, yet you will still be able to hear the need.
  • Ask open questions and don’t ask either/or choices that pre-determine yes or no answers.


It’s in the Details…

The more open the questions, the more detailed and beneficial the answers:

  • How did you choose us?
  • What would have been easier?
  • What do you wish we offered?
  • What was different about this process than you expected?
  • What could I have done better to prepare you for the project?
  • What other projects are you planning on tackling someday?


Feedback insights excerpted from Ashley Uhl Consulting.

Feedback and Reviews are different:

  • Feedback is about learning what you can do better the next time, or finding out that you’ve done a really great job. Feedback stays internal.
  • Reviews (or testimonials) is your client knowingly providing you with a quote about how awesome you are that will be shared with the public.


Ambit’s got your back with ‘feedback’! We can help you determine the precise wording you can ask clients for in their testimonial, or for an online survey to increase participation, write a thank-you note and reveal the optimum time to send one! Let us help you turn on the flow of positive communication between you and your client. You can find out more here or go here and fill out the questionnaire and share the latest project and client- goals you have to build out your online business into an easy success!

Matt Gavenda
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    Ambit Design

    Rochester, NY 14519 | Hartford City, IN 47348
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