For Eduoptics, we’ve created a dynamic branding mark and strategy that speaks to the unique EduOptics proposition.. This was a quick turnaround and we couldn’t be more happy with the end results!
Claris Filemaker was the backbone behind this project, and from those humble beginnings, the project became a life-saver during Covid – giving educators access to accurate and secure, centralized data so that through ‘one-tap-daily’ check-ins, students and teachers could connect and continue aiding students throughout the pandemic.
According to Don Gray, Founder, Concept Engineer, and educator… “Because FileMaker was already so integrated and accessible, it allowed us to innovate through a moment of crisis, and within a few days, put a solution in the hands of our students and teachers.”
As Gray points out, students not only checked in, but also selected from five emoticons – the HIGH5 brand mark – to express how they’re feeling. “The app gave our office and counseling staff the ability to assess large groups of children very quickly, and they absolutely love it,” said Gray. “It’s interesting to find where the value lives in a school environment. And, with COVID, the value of understanding not only their attendance, but also their mental health, was right in front of us.”
The website and brand marks allowed for the team at EduOptics to share what they had accomplished in a bright and engaging way. Now creators of the system, Don Gray and Carol Hunneyman (Founder – Developer), promote their work and process, reaching out online to tell their story, as well as offering consultative advice and services… all to make the lives of other educators just a little bit easier.
Thank you EduOptics!
Rebuild a unified visual brand system for the organization which aims to change the world of child/teacher connection for education.